get involved

register to vote

Your vote matters.  Most important elections that impacts you every day in the community happens during local elections.  Make sure to update your voter registration to ensure you receive the latest election information.

member benefit

KAC is a volunteer run non-partisan non-profit driven by donations and grants to build the Korean American community in the state of Washington to develop future civic minded leaders.

Your contribution matters


how to become a member

To start, join KAC as a member with just $25/year membership fee that will give you access to member-only events for free or at discounted rate. 


committee members

Once a member, join one of the many committees to help organize events. It also is a great way to developer meaningful friends while working together for a common goal.


board member

By joining the KAC Board, you can not only financially support the programs for the year but also to vote to decide how to fund the events to meet the goals for the organization.  Consider joining KAC Board to support the ongoing efforts of the group.


advisory board

We cannot be thankful enough for our KAC Advisory Board members who provide continuing financial and ongoing support to allow KAC to help Korean Americans organize and be heard locally, in Washington state and in United States.

interest to get involved?

Our board and committee members love meeting new people for coffee – we can’t wait to hear from you.


As a volunteer driven organizations, multiple committees organize different events throughout the year.  Each committee is lead by committee chair(s).  To get involved in a committee, reach out to the chair at one of the KAC events or via email to


High school parent engagement to recruit parents to increase membership, buddy system to register and meet your buddy, engage with colleges, especially community colleges, show-case and highlight membership, membership free events like the holiday mixer, LinkedIn, PD Opportunity, Invite recruiters with intentional space.


Goal is to enhance to profile of KAC across the mainstream by highlighting KAs (KA designers previously), scholarship, awards of successful KAs, fundraising.

Social/Professional Networking

LinkedIn, PD Opportunity, Invite recruiters with intentional space, host mixer 3rd Wed of every month, Kalbi Cook Off

Past events:  monthly happy hours, hiking series, viewing art gallery

Civic Education/Participation


Community Advocacy

Leadership Development/Mentorship
